Friday, November 11, 2011

My 1st year milestone list:

So it's almost been a full year since I've been a "real" social worker, I thought it would be fitting that I list out all my "firsts" of social working:

-helped a client move (complete with me carrying boxes and sweating and my van being dirrty afterwards)

-had a mom get her parental rights terminated (after I had been reporting about how much progress she had making)

-been supoenaed (and then spent 3 hours waiting only to be finally told I would not be needed)

-grilled by another worker and foster mother about my "qualifications" (I'm sorry if I'm in my late 20's and don't have a century of experiences)

-had a mom reunified with her child (after many of us had voice our concerns and reported her lack of cooperation and progress)

-finally handed my reports on time (that one time)

-had to transport a sick kid in my own kid's car seat and had that sick kid lick my kid's car toys (and I had to smile and carry on while mentally making a note to disinfect, disinfect!)

-scream at a kid to stop when he was about to run across a busy street while his mother looked on in a depressed, distant state

-tell (and show) a mom to hold her children's hands when in a busy public space

-had a mom said to me: "I was thinking about what you said last week..."

-had my husband tell me to stop talking "ghetto" to him after a long week at work

-had to do client education sessions in my car

-cried in my car and reconsider this field

-been so motivated that I seeked out social work graduate school

What a roller coaster. Can't wait to see what this second year will bring for this rookie ;)

Until our next visit,


  1. Yikes, I don't envy you!

    Tough population and some of the things you have done would be a total dealbreaker for me.

    Hang in there!!

  2. Not sure if this inspires me or derails me. :P glad for the honesty though.
